I have been blessed along my path with the Yorkshire Terrier to have met some wonderful people.  Some have passed, others have gone in other directions and then theres the truely Special people.  The ones who have taken the time to answer my questions, teach me the little things that help to improve what I have.  They have taken the time to also point out my weak areas and what I can do to improve that also.

I've had the pleasure of watching them in the show ring as well as watching them 
getting ready to go to the ring.  The time and care they put into the way their dog looks and the special bond they seem to have with their dog.  None of it has failed to amaze me and show me what it takes.

There are a few people who I feel I need to thank individually, the help and lessons they have passed my way are just too important to me.

To Ruth Niswander,  
     Ruth to say you are my friend is not nearly enough.  You have been a mentor, confidant, sister, handler, groomer, trainer and sometimes almost like a mother.
You have gone far above and beyond the definition of a friend and given freely without expectation.  When my health wasn't what it needed to be to get Lance shown
you stepped in and did it for me.  You have welcomed me into your home yearly and the times we had have made memories for years to come.  Thank you for all you do and have done, when I count my blessings at the end of the day I count our friendship twice!

To Marie Brown Helton,
     Thank you for just accepting me and not judging!  For the lessons on coat care and how to put a topknot in correctly.  Thank you for always being honest with me when I had a question.  Like Ruth you tell me straight even if it isn't what I wanted to hear and I truly appreciate that.  For the times you handled Lance for me/Ruth to help him on his way to his Championship.  These things will never be forgotten or taken for granted.

To Rosanne Fett
     Thank you for taking the time to help me understand conformation a little better.
For the times that you handled Lance in the ring to help him towards his Championship, and for ideas to help make him better along the way.
Most importantly thank you for allowing me to have Ruffles, she is a beautiful girl and will be cherished always.